G20 finmins to discuss when to pull the plug on emergency support for global economy
BA to cut 1,200 jobs amid losses
G20 finmins to discuss when to pull the plug on emergency support for global economy
The Russian governement is planning to borrow 18 billion dollars in bonds.
Opel will not be sold to Magna-Sberbank consortium
-The European Commission on predicted that the EU and eurozone will grow in 2010 at a
One of the largest American loan companies CIT Group has filed for bancrupcy protection.
New-York remains world's top financial centre, while London loses its second place to Singapore
US economy ends recession
Northern Rock to be split into a "good" and a "bad" bank
3.4 billion dollars from the US stimulus package to be spent on an update of America's national electricity grid
South Korean GDP growth at 7 year high |
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